Alright, I'm definitely a little behind on this one because at least one of these games I'm anticipating is live right now. So, I'll start with that one and go from there.
Heroes of Tenefyr - the base game was Kickstarted last year, I believe, and while I didn't get my hands on the whole game, they did have a free print'n'play that I thoroughly enjoyed. You start with a deck of awful cards (as per every deckbuilder ever made) with a special card based on the hero you've chosen. You progress through increasingly difficult dungeons and as you defeat enemies, you rotate the card and add it to your deck (similar to Friday and Goblivion). There's a push you luck element to this game that's different from most deckbuilders, though. During a fight you draw three cards (possibly more based on card powers). Between you and your other heroes (controlled by you or other players), you need to surpass the fight strength of that enemy. Well, if you don't draw a good enough attack with your three cards, you can draw again. And again. As many times as you like. Beware, however, because once you've drawn all the cards in your deck, you become exhausted and must exit the dungeon. Doing this uses up precious time because the big, bad boss is approaching (check out my full review of the print and play here).
I really liked this game and would've backed it except for the shipping. It was just too much. The expansion and reprint have the same problem. My solution? I'm backing the full colour print and play of the base game and expansion. I really like this one and hope I can pick up a physical copy somehow without blowing the bank. As of my writing this post, the campaign has 40 hours left. I'd recommend jumping in at some pledge level because it was a lot of fun.
Frosthaven - I'd like to start this one off by saying that I won't be backing this standalone sequel to the number one game on BoardGameGeek, Gloomhaven. Out of more than 100+ scenarios in the base game (and solo scenarios pack fhat I received during their second Kickstarter), I've only completed around 14. Yeah, I've got a lot to complete still, so there's no point in picking up another 100 scenarios that I can't complete either. That being said, I'm really excited to see what Childres does to improve his game even further and what kind of unique and innovate things show up.
The 7th Citadel - most people rave about The 7th Continent, but to me it just looked like a lot of foraging. The adventure and exploration aspect looked cool, but a few reviews I read turned me off (how much fun can it be to just look for food the whole game?). On the other hand, there were many reviewers that spoke of just how amazing the exploration system was and how unique this game is. I hope the sequel has more action, less foraging, and just as much exploration! If the game can show me some improvements in this area, I'd be pretty tempted to jump in and back it.
Wolfenstein - I know less than nothing about this game, but I played so much Wolfenstein 3D growing up that I want to check this one out just for the nostalgia factor.
I know that some people have lists of 20 or more games that they're excited for for 2020, but that's just not me. I've come to the conclusion that there are just too many games out there for me to actually play. If you check out my BGG profile, you'll see that I currently own 39 games and have previously owned 75 games. If I don't love a game, if it's not making it to my table, I'm not keeping it. I just don't have the time or money to waste on anything less than the best. Hopefully this attitude and this short list will help keep you from spending too much as well!
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