We don't REALLY know what we're doing. We hope we'll be of some interest to somebody, but mostly we just want to have an outlet for our love of board games. As we go along, though, I will be doing some reviews of games because it helps me to know which games to keep and not to keep. It would probably be helpful if you knew what my reporting categories were and what they meant. Hopefully I can help you save (and spend) your hard earned money.
Category #1: Components (5 points)
For this category I'll be looking at both the artwork and the quality of the various pieces. Does the art fit with the theme? Does it draw you in? Is it well done? Are the components well made? Do they stand up to multiple playthroughs?
Category #2: Rules (5 points)
For this category I'll be looking at the rules of the game and how well the rulebook communicates those rules. Are the rules easy to pick up? Do they feel common sense and second nature? Are they easy to teach to someone else? Is it easy to find information in the rulebook? Is it laid out nicely and organized well?
Category #3: Gameplay (5 points)
For this category I'll be looking at the mechanics of the game. What mechanics does the game use? Do they feel original and new? Does it combine various mechanics nicely together? Does everything work?
Category #4: Replayability (5 points)
For this category I'll be looking at whether or not the game is long-lasting. Can I replay the game? Does it feel different/fresh each time? Does the game start to feel same-y and boring?
Category #5: Fun (10 points)
For this category I'll be looking at the enjoyment. This is weighted the most because, honestly it's the most important. Regardless of everything else, do I love to play this game? Do I want to get it off the shelf? Does it draw me back in? Do I have a blast playing it?
At the end I'll give a total score out of 30. Feel free to comment on what you think about a particular game and the categories that you choose to use.
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