Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Birthday Board Bash: Part Deux

Another board game celebration for me! On Saturday we did a collaborative Easter/birthday dinner with my wife's family. This delicious DQ ice cream cake had this cute little image on it. After we had ate our fill of cake and got the sugar-delirious children to bed, the games came out.

First up was Space Base. Here is the progression of my fleet a little bit. I managed to pull out a second place finish because I had a few ships that gave me victory points almost every turn, a few at a time. None of us were any match for Logan, however, as he managed the most amazing cascade effect beween his 7 and 8 docks. It was unreal. I didn't take a picture because I hated his guts so much.

Don't mock my artwork in our next game - Harvest Dice. I was dead last in this game. I'm starting to think that maybe I suck at board games? Why do I even like them? Anyway, this cute little roll'n'write is one of my wife's favourites (hence, she won). 

While checking my instagram during the game night, I noticed this little gem of a post. Clank! is one of my very favourite games, especially solo or with one other player (MAYBE three players total, but even that starts to take way too long). I'm looking very forward to the legacy expansion coming out later this year. I don't actually know anything about Acquisitions Incorporated. I know that it's some kind of webseries or something that's supposed to be pretty funny? All I know is that I'm in love with Clank! and can't wait to get more of it. I think it could be a very unique and enjoyable legacy experience, building up your characters/treasure/whatever in between dungeoneering expeditions. Plus, Clank! already has some tongue-in-cheek humour and it seems like AI will bring more of that to the table. Cannot wait!
Back to the games. My wife and brother-in-law were tired out, but I got a chance to play some Mephisto: The Card Game multiplayer with my sister-in-law. Either I explained the rules poorly or she listented poorly, but I easily won because she was using her favour incorrectly. It was getting late at this time, so we didn't set up for another game, but we'll have to try it again. I did like how the multiplayer worked and how you can affect each other, but I'll need some more time with it.

All in all, another good birthday party of gaming!

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