Ok, so it's not done yet, but last night we played a whole mission complete with cards, characters, a board, lots of bad guys, and a victory on our part!
You can see in the picture that I'm using a hex-board with Zombicide: Black Plague pieces fo the characters and tokens. You have to imagine that the Walkers are lynx assassins, the Fatties are ratmen warriors, and the Runners are some kind of ranged character.
The game is a deckbuilder but you build from three different decks (for now): strength, agility, and magic. Having multiple cards from these decks gives you bonuses when those cards are played together. Also, as you buy more cards from a deck, you unlock higher level tiers and more powerful cards of that deck. Your currency in the game is your experience - defeating enemies grants you experience that you spend to purchase new cards. Cards control your movement, attacks, and blocks.
I'd really like there to be a campaign element, but it can be really difficult to balance the AI if you get to keep cards from game to game. I'm toying with the notion of a skill tree similar to a video game RPG where you can improve your health, movement, attack, skill level, and XP.
This picture to the right shows the three decks, each with three tiers. Every deck has a basic card that you need to purchase in order to unlock that deck.
This game has a long way to go to become a finished product, but it's getting there. And don't they say that the journey is half the fun?
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