Friday, February 22, 2019

Slime is Money

Heroes of Tenefyr was on Kickstarter last year and while I didn't back it, I did download the free PnP and print it off. I'm always game for a good fantasy deckbuilder, but I didn't have the funds to buy the actual game. I'm going to have an actual review of this up soon, but for now here's the teaser as I haven't been able to finish this latest playthrough yet.

Here is the game all set up. Takes up a decent amount of space, but there's not much added space for added characters - it's the different dungeons that eat up that table space.

Here is my barbarian-thief (thief-barbarian?) character that I'm playing. There are four characters to choose from (also a bard and...something else I'll remeind myself of before the review) and when playing a solo game you choose two.

Here are the dungeons - there are 2 of each level (1-5). The dungeons get more and more difficult as you increase in number, but so does the payout. As in games like Friday and Goblivion, when you defeat a monster, you turn it 180 degrees and use it as an attack card.

Here's the "map." When you defeat a dungeon or withdraw from a dungeon, you move 1 space towards the boss fight (the skeleton). When you are defeated in a dungeon, you move 2 spaces, so there's a push-your-luck component. Do I try to finish off this dungeon and only move 1 space after I defeat it? Or do I risk getting kicked out, having to go back in and finish it off later, and move 3 spaces in the end? Or back out, hop back in, and move 2 spaces?

Why do fantasy games, particularly the video game Japanese RPGs, have slime bad guys? Is there some sort of popular slime fear that I'm not aware of? This was the first enemy I faced in the game and he's one of my favourite ones to get. He lets you pull a discarded card back into your deck - very helpful when you've got a giant attack 5 card in there!

I'm not sure that I'll do a full playthrough of this one - there are just so many cards and I was getting bogged down with keeping track of them all for a story - but I will be doing a review after I finish the game that I currently have set up. I've played this one abotu 15 times solo and 2 times co-operatively, so I have a decent feel for it. 

What do I think of it? Stay tuned!

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