I looked at the map in my hands. The myriad tunnels and passageways would be difficult to traverse, but I knew what lay down there, deep beneath the surface. Gold, gems, treasure! No self-respecting thief could deny the lure a dragon's horde, not even the thought of the terrifying dragon itself.
Before venturing into the dragon's lair, I equipped myself with some special, magically endowed with swiftness, to help me stead ahead of the mythical beast.
The dragon reared its ugly head early on in my adventure, but luckily I hadn't made enough noise to attract its attention.
A terrifying and tentacled creature followed in the dragon's wake, and I worried that the noise it made would bring the dragon back towards me.
In my haste to get away from the creature, I made some noise of my own. Luckily I was able to scurry away from where I had least seen both beasts and I was safe. For the moment.
My noisiness didn't end there. I feel down a flight of stairs (tripped over an old suit of armour) and created quite the ruckus. The dragon swooped down and luckily I dodged past him with only a scratch to show for it.
I put on my fancy new speedy shoes to put some distance between me and the dragon. I uncovered some secrets along the way, discovering a stash of gold along the way and finding a precious artifact.
I had an extra burst of energy after this latest finding and so I continued into the depths. I came across a group of goblins and put my mercenary companions to work battling them!
I came across into a kobold merchant who led to an underground market where I purchased a mysterious key that was said to open many otherwise impossible to explore passageways. But in all the excitement of this latest acquirement, I didn't notice the dragon sneaking up behind us (who knew a giant lizard could move so stealthily?). He took another swipe at us and it was only my finely honed reflexes that kept me from suffering more damage.
On the move again, I quickly discovered an underground cache of health potions. This allowed me to recover from my previous encounters with the dragon. While drinking the potions, I heard the dragon approaching with my finely attuned senses and hid within the hiding place, avoiding his attack.
With a kobold merchant for a guide and my boots of swiftness on, I made it my mission to get as much loot as possible before the dragon came back this way. I found a chalice, secretly hidden within the ruins. I purchased a new satchel from another merchant that I would use to store my newly found suit of armour. On my way to the armour, I acquired a powerful attack potion in case I got into any danger with unfriendly creatures.
As I continued my journey, I could feel myself learning and acquiring vast amounts of new skills that I never needed on the surface. I also encountered a cleric of the sun who used her gifting to heal me of my wounds. The dragon reared its ugly head again short after this and even though I thought I had gotten away, his fiery breath flew speedily down my escape tunnel and seared the hair off the back of my body.
I came across a rebel scout who, along with help from the kobold merchant, helped me to discover several more secrets. We also found a ridiculous invention called the Monkey Bot 3000. It made so much noise that it brought the dragon right down on top of us. We barely escaped with our lives. Was my luck beginning to run out? I was out of the depths now and thinking it was time to take what I had collected and head for safety!
After getting directions from a tunnel guide, I took off at a dead run for the exit. My skill at running blindly through dark and debris laden tunnels greatly improved! But I saw no sign of the dragon.
My successful exploring led me right to back to town without further encounter with the dragon. I took my artifacts, gold, and other loot into the local shop and sold them for a hefty sum. I was satisfied, for now, but how long before the lure of treasure and adventure drove me back into the depths? And would I be so lucky next time?
The dragon reared its ugly head early on in my adventure, but luckily I hadn't made enough noise to attract its attention.
A terrifying and tentacled creature followed in the dragon's wake, and I worried that the noise it made would bring the dragon back towards me.
In my haste to get away from the creature, I made some noise of my own. Luckily I was able to scurry away from where I had least seen both beasts and I was safe. For the moment.
My noisiness didn't end there. I feel down a flight of stairs (tripped over an old suit of armour) and created quite the ruckus. The dragon swooped down and luckily I dodged past him with only a scratch to show for it.
I put on my fancy new speedy shoes to put some distance between me and the dragon. I uncovered some secrets along the way, discovering a stash of gold along the way and finding a precious artifact.
I had an extra burst of energy after this latest finding and so I continued into the depths. I came across a group of goblins and put my mercenary companions to work battling them!
I came across into a kobold merchant who led to an underground market where I purchased a mysterious key that was said to open many otherwise impossible to explore passageways. But in all the excitement of this latest acquirement, I didn't notice the dragon sneaking up behind us (who knew a giant lizard could move so stealthily?). He took another swipe at us and it was only my finely honed reflexes that kept me from suffering more damage.
On the move again, I quickly discovered an underground cache of health potions. This allowed me to recover from my previous encounters with the dragon. While drinking the potions, I heard the dragon approaching with my finely attuned senses and hid within the hiding place, avoiding his attack.
With a kobold merchant for a guide and my boots of swiftness on, I made it my mission to get as much loot as possible before the dragon came back this way. I found a chalice, secretly hidden within the ruins. I purchased a new satchel from another merchant that I would use to store my newly found suit of armour. On my way to the armour, I acquired a powerful attack potion in case I got into any danger with unfriendly creatures.
As I continued my journey, I could feel myself learning and acquiring vast amounts of new skills that I never needed on the surface. I also encountered a cleric of the sun who used her gifting to heal me of my wounds. The dragon reared its ugly head again short after this and even though I thought I had gotten away, his fiery breath flew speedily down my escape tunnel and seared the hair off the back of my body.
I came across a rebel scout who, along with help from the kobold merchant, helped me to discover several more secrets. We also found a ridiculous invention called the Monkey Bot 3000. It made so much noise that it brought the dragon right down on top of us. We barely escaped with our lives. Was my luck beginning to run out? I was out of the depths now and thinking it was time to take what I had collected and head for safety!
After getting directions from a tunnel guide, I took off at a dead run for the exit. My skill at running blindly through dark and debris laden tunnels greatly improved! But I saw no sign of the dragon.
My successful exploring led me right to back to town without further encounter with the dragon. I took my artifacts, gold, and other loot into the local shop and sold them for a hefty sum. I was satisfied, for now, but how long before the lure of treasure and adventure drove me back into the depths? And would I be so lucky next time?
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