Friday, October 27, 2017

A Sneak Peak

As you may remember, or at least noticed, I'm playing through all of my solo games to rank them for the upcoming 2017 People's Choice Top 100 Solo Games on  Also, it was a way to resist buying new games (failed that - three new games were shipped today...).  

This week I pulled out Zombicide: Black Plague.  I'm not done yet because I made a crazy choice.  I decided to play a solo game using all ten characters that come in the base game plus the Wulfsburg expansion.  Here's how my table looks.
Here are my ten characters trying to loot and share items quickly before they get swarmed by zombies.

This may seem like a nightmare to some people, but I am actually loving the fiddly-ness and confusion of keeping track of so many characters along with their skills and items.  The warning though is this: this could take me a while to get my playthrough and review posted.  So far I've sat down to play this quest four times and I don't think I'm halfway done yet.  I need to find the keys to get into the two vaults so I can kill an evil abomination (I've had to kill three others so far, however) and I only have one of two keys.  There has been a lot of excitement in this game, though, and I'm excited to post about it when it's all done!

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